Friday, October 17, 2014

Strength In Messages


"Sometimes life will present you with challenges that you think are too difficult to endure. Sometimes it seems as if nothing goes your way and everyone else seems to be having the good times. Be strong my dear. Drawing this symbol means no matter what is happening in your life you have the strength to endure all experiences. Like an ancient oak tree whose trunk cannot be uprooted by any storm or tempest, you will also know strength that will come from within. You will win this game of life! You have the strength to face any situation now."  

Colette Baron-Reid

I read a message from a friend reflecting upon a storm rolling in.  Being me, I of course look at it as a waking dream.  I respond to him, reminding him of his strength and ability to bend with the wind while  keeping  his feet deeply rooted.  I felt comfortable with this exchange.  

This morning I randomly draw one of Colette Baron-Reid's oracle cards for this day.    Guess what, it is the STRENGTH card.  It is spot on to what I shared with my friend last evening.  Then I get it.  The pieces slide together and lock into place.  

The messages we give to others are often times the words we need to hear ourselves.  I needed to be revitalized and reminded of my ability to persevere.  I didn't absorb what I told my friend, so the message returned in another form.  I am so grateful for the connectedness, seen and unseen.

1 comment:

  1. I love this message and I believe it is true. Blessings, my friend.
