Sunday, August 3, 2014

Dreams and Deja Vu

"Only as high as I reach can I grow
Only as far as I seek can I go
Only as deep as I look can I see
Only as much as I dream can I be."

Karen Ravn

We dream of old and magical things or dark and creepy crawling things, but dreams come to us every night.  Dreams can bring us happiness, sulkiness or fear, but dreams reflect our own personal fears.  What we repress throughout the day is stored in our memory, coming out later to play.  As our hidden agendas dance upon dream's stage, we are allowed another chance to see what is being played out in our minds or physical life.

Scoff, if you must, but history has proven that many master minds unlocked mysteries with information displayed in dreams.  Mathematical equations, documentation of extinct animals, and discoveries  to advance mankind have all been unveiled in dreams.  It really is quite fascinating.

There is nothing like a good dose of deja vu ... from the French literally meaning 'already seen' ...  which is the phenomenon of having the sensation that you have previously experienced the same thing currently unfolding.  "Don't I know you," a stranger may ask.  While visiting a foreign country where you have never been before, you walk deliberately around a corner knowing you will find  a familiar book store or perhaps a bakery.  

Magic and mystery are laced throughout every day.  You have to pay attention in order to recognize the synchronicity.  You have to be watching and paying attention to catch a glimpse of the small sprite flying by.  Children do this daily, as the parent shakes his or her head telling them it is nothing but their imagination.  Soon the child refrains from sharing the remarkable things in life, but takes notice just the same.  Eventually these little ones are brain washed into thinking what they see is not real.

There is much in life that is not real, but holds us in a vice like grip.  Fear is an illusion and yet it determines the fate of many people.  If we but step through this fear, we find a glorious imaginative life waiting to be lived. 

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