Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Place Where We Belong

"I belong deeply to myself."
Warsan Shire

As a child, we may not have felt complete or any where near perfection, but we knew we belonged to to our lovely self.  As development moved us further, we grew more concerned with who others wanted us to be.  We hid parts of our selves and tried to adjust to the expectations of others.  Our identity of our original self may have become smaller and smaller as we inhaled the knowledge of community and world.

Some where a long the line, this small piece of self grew restless.  It may have been in college, in our career, or as a young parent.  We heard this distant knocking upon our heart and the unidentified yearning increased.  Something called to us, but it was so vague we could not quite grasp the significance of the message.  Our vibrant dreams, authors, poets, and mentors seemed to be tugging at some thing residing inside of ourselves that we could not yet see.

Bobbing up and down, breaking to the surface, peeking through the veil, this small part of self screamed, "Look at me!"  The process was lengthy, but rewarding.  At some point we finally shut our doors and opened our hearts and embraced the spirit living deeply inside at our core.  We had never been alone.  We had been broken, but only to grow stronger.  We had received answers to our prayers, only not necessarily the ones we wanted to hear.  We did not win the reward we strived for, but instead we were gifted with something better.  

At some point, when we slowed down long enough to pull our parts together, we find a remarkable spirit dwelling within us.  We may have shed our labels, sir names, and titles, but we are more than pleased to finally embrace who we truly are ... 'me'.

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