Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Room for Everyone!

"Harmony is what happens when 
we meet life open heartedly.  
When we meet life from the soul."

Panache Desai

As we begin to shed outer layers of who you used to be, we start planting seeds for new growth. We create a little more space so light begins to reach dark corners where old desires and passion are stored.  Soul begins to awaken our authentic selves.  We begin to feel more at home in our bodies, in our homes, and in our lives.  

We move closer to being in harmony, when we begin to embrace everyone just  as they are, ourselves included.  Dismissing all forms of judgement, it is easier to just observe and recognize the goodness in others and within ourselves..  

When we create balance, there is plenty of room for all kinds of feelings, but there is so much love within our alignment, we do not get stuck in any emotional drama.  When we have opened ourselves to the flowing of love, all emotions pass through us, but without judgement.   With harmony, one avoids discord and chaos.  We accept, not condone, actions of others as well as our own.  We no longer limit our identities or classify others in some form of rank.  

Harmony is living in abundant love, widening our path where we can all be one without separation.  We are not investing our energy in fear, so we feel spacious.  There is room for everyone.  When our soul has a wide berth to cultivate goodness, we find ourselves living in beautiful harmony.

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