Thursday, August 14, 2014

Adjusting Destinations

"Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently.
So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting, and joyful.
Your life is always moving towards something."

Ralph Martson

Author, Panache Desai states that "magnificence is not a destination".   Magnificence can be experienced in every breath we take if we focus on the moment and broaden our focus on life existing around us.

We no longer need to wait for a spectacular event to experience something magnificent.    If we are truly living in the moment rather than the past or the future, we need to broaden our scope to  take in the wonders around us.

We can be more lively if we use these words throughout our day.    These superlative words radiate energy and increase  positive feelings.   As we begin to embrace all of the wonder surrounding us, negative feelings and fear will no longer have space in our awareness.  

Find success within each day, no matter how small.  Express creatively in any way imaginable rather than waiting for an artist class.  Instead of waiting to be uplifted, uplift someone else through the slightest mention of something positive just observed in their behavior.  

When we broaden our moments, making our path wider, we can stretch our focus to include more possibilities.  We will not be seeing the same boring thing over and over.  Something wonderful can enter into every moment of our day.  We need to be alert, observant, and view life through the eyes of kindness.  Destinations arrive in each fresh moment.

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