Friday, August 29, 2014

A Sense of Wellness

"At times our lives seem like that of a tranquil island in a sea of chaos.
The battle is to keep this sea of chaos at bay,
and not let it wash us away into utter chaos."
Sanjeeva Ananthan

On the shore my feet are totally buried in sand, grounding me, and creating a sense of wellness.  The next wave rolls in, and washes all of the sand away, pulling my now ungrounded feet towards the water.  The current tugs harder.  Within minutes, I go under and all seems lost.

When there is a break in the suction of the current, I am able to turn to the side and finally swim until I can once again stand on my feet. The abrasions and bruises sustained while being pulled along the bottom of the ocean floor, leave a permanent reminder of the force this form forever holds.  

And this is so like life.  There are moments allowing me to frolic, splash, and wash my cares away, and yet suddenly be sucked into a deep hole of darkness lurking just beneath my consciousness.  Surfacing from my repressed chaos, I seek solitude by the water.  Once again, I bury my feet in the sand, hoping to find a sense of wellness.

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