Saturday, September 9, 2023

Walk Forward With Beauty and Grace

"Try to enjoy the age you are at now, for each age
presents its own unique wisdom to savor."
Daily Om

When following a recipe, you follow steps for adding ingredients aiming for a delicious result. As an artist, you apply layers of paint, building depth and vision. A gardener, lovingly applies care to produce a delicious or fragrant result. Life offers the same process of stepping through layers with loving application, intending for you to have heightened experiences.  

The cook has dishes to clean up, the painter has dirty brushes, and the gardener has filthy hands. The movement towards any completion offers both positive and negative experiences. The integration between joy and sorrow carves your character and view of life. Wisdom is gained at every stage, and your ability to incorporate it into living practices, determines your enhanced outcome.

At each stage of life, curiosity, discovery, and renewal presents. Whether moving through joy or sorrow, you have the opportunity to apply a learned lesson. Gazing back, patterns surface and reminders of courage and resilience strengthen the present. Recall the past and ponder the future, but stay in the present moment to savor all that it has to offer. Walk slowly forward with beauty and grace. 

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