Friday, September 1, 2023

Step Into The Light

"We are living in times when the spirit is drawing closer
to our conscious awareness, which is both a beautiful
and confusing part of our evolution."
Regina Meredith

We have a responsibility to honor and express our feelings which allows stronger connections with others. Even when there is disagreement, we have an obligation to speak our truth. As we share our insight, empowerment unfolds. Honest communication is the bridge leading to a new world of possibility.

The feminine aspect is within both men and women. It is the creative way to express our unique existence on earth. Space is created within as we no longer bury our feelings and become stagnant. As we listen closely, the higher self speaks with greater clarity leading us to a new way of experiencing masculinity in balance with femininity. 

Prior to higher thinking, our energy field reflected the heaviness of negativity we were lugging around. Once we embrace the concept of releasing the past and embracing our passage towards clarity, our aura begins to beam with light. Joy slips into our being and our perspective draws knowledge leading us into new brighter tomorrows.  


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