Friday, September 22, 2023

"Can You Tell Me More?"

  • "On occasion we may be the person who insists on being
    right. When that happens we have to ask ourselves
    what that's about."
    Nedra Glover

    When we think we know best, it makes us feel good, but what's that really about? Are we honestly sharing knowledge for the benefit of others or are we stroking our ego? And what if we are wrong? How exactly does that feel?

    It is unfortunate when we feel lesser than if we do not have all of the answers. We can feel ourselves bristle, digging in to what we know rather than opening up to new information. Truly, it is a liberating experience when we can respond with "Can you tell me more?"

    We can be proud of what we know while remaining open to additional input. New information will either reinforce our beliefs or challenge them. Just because someone has a differing view does not make them wrong. It's okay not to have all of the answers!

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