Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Thin Veil

"During troublesome times in our lives, we have the tendency
to ask for guidance. Have the faith and humility to open yourself up 
to a variety of paths towards solutions."
Michael Newton

Grieving can be a scary process, but it is definitely a part of the human experience. When overwhelmed by things waiting to be done, we can give ourselves permission to rest. In spite of all we have to be grateful for, we can still experience anger. And when the sky seems to be falling, it is okay to experience an inappropriate laugh.

In times of loss, it is vital to listen to the guidance streaming through our dreams, meditations, and silence. Do not anticipate one exacting answer, as our guides or Divine Spirit will project numerous images for diverse passageways. We have the option to try one at a time or link them together, expanding possibilities.

The veil between realities can be quite thin which allows sacred communication. Quiet the mind and still the soul while opening to connections from departed loved ones or spiritual guides. Allow sorrow to slip away, and embrace creativity in mapping out an illuminated chart leading back to the sweetness of life. 



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