Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Gentle Offerings


"Show the world that our greatness is not in things
we do for ourselves, but in things we do for others."
Lisa Wingate

Every time we offer kindness to someone, our energy increases. Through gentle acts, we attract the element of positivity which then surrounds us. Random acts lift our spirits and we feel more connected. The world no longer feels so misshapen, damaged and overwhelming. Hope returns for the possibility of mankind. 

Acts of kindness can be as simple as pausing in our car so a pedestrian can safely walk before us. Actions can be quite ordinary like sharing tomatoes or other veggies from the garden. "Let me help you with that," can be magical words to an elder. Just opening a door for someone else to pass through, contributes brightness into our surroundings.

We may not feel comfortable acting on someone's behalf even though we experience feelings of compassion. There is a need to feel safe, but that doesn't mean we must curtail our personal generosity. We can tip our head with a smile, engaging in silent communication or we can say a quick prayer. When we give, we also receive a sense of joy.

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