Sunday, February 6, 2022

Stark Reality and Divine Plan

"Let no sadness come to this heart.
Let no trouble come to these arms.
Let no conflict come to these eyes.
Let my soul be filled with the blessing 
of joy and peace."

Stark reality offers opportunities to regress, become stuck, or stretch and grow.  Whatever appears before us, we have the gift of choice contributing to how we will engage with what awaits before us.  

We will be more effective if we first turn within acknowledging we are truly not alone.  We can become empowered by our inner light while facing the fear and anxiety that accompanies choice.  

Listen to the message within and stay in alignment with where it leads.  Maintain faith that Divine Spirit has a plan and trust in the results.  This is not to say the road is easy, but it will be monumental in authentic results.

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