Thursday, February 10, 2022

Persuasion and Articulation

"One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears ...
by listening to them."
Dean Rusk

The world is spinning collectively and personally.  Control becomes less of a desire, replaced by the need for normalcy.  The need for connection increases as we seek alignment with kindred spirits.

We can be driven by the desire to be understood, and this can be facilitated  if we take the time to have a sense of our listener's viewpoint.  If we take the time to meet her/him within their comfort zone, there will be a greater possibility for persuasion. 

As we articulate our needs, we can choose words that resonate with the listener.  When we avoid vague descriptions, and use clarity, our supporter can be of greater help.  Create the atmosphere of connection, choose accurate projections, and be attentive to both sides of the conversation.  The ears are important tools when dealing with persuasion and articulation.

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