Friday, February 25, 2022

Sedona, Embedded Within


"What a journey life is! 
Dependent, entirely, on things unseen." 
James Baldwin

In Sedona, Arizona,  I rotated through the vortexes.  Each one offered individual depth and vibration, welcoming my body, mind, and soul.  I have never found explicit words to describe my experiences, as so many sources were unseen.

Sedona embraces the appearances of UFO's, etchings of Native American Culture, and eclectic energy practitioners, as well as authors and musicians. There are bountiful tales passed down, with the environment supporting each one.

When I reflect upon my experiences there, whether high in the mountains or sitting by a stream, I am challenged to find words that precisely articulate all that cannot be seen.   I can only equate it with visualizing a visit to an ancient domain filled with life changing characters, yet upon leaving, not remembering one name.  The spirit of Sedona wordlessly becomes embedded within.

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