Thursday, February 24, 2022

Always Meant to Be ...

"I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are,
what you have, and what can still be for you."
Virginia Satir

My wish will always be for you to see your lovely self just as I see you.  Step up to the plate and embrace the affirmations given to you.  Enter the ring and choose which fights will better you.   Repel the negative words thrown at you, and nurture the blessings found within your heart.

Own both elements of fire and water as aspects of the self.  Ignite the passion within you feeling the sense of being unleashed, powerful, and free.  Bathe in the calm waters, dive into rolling waves, and float upon your dreams.  

Let no person tell you how deeply to breathe nor how not to bend with the breeze.  Disallow boundaries keeping you gated, restricted, and closed in.  Let your beautiful feet sink into the ground and lift your delicate hands up into mysterious clouds. Let yourself be exactly how you were always meant to be.

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