Sunday, February 27, 2022

Intervention Prevails


"What you see as lapse or a stumble, 
I see as Divine Expansion."
Jennifer Crokaert

We might be 'nudged' to reach out to a friend, and when we do, we learn they are in dire need of support.  Impulsively, we might turn down a side street instead of our normal path, only to discover the perfect apartment to rent.  We could engage in a random conversation, learning of an unbelievable connection with a person, place or thing.

Like a vehicle on the interstate, we can mentally zip from place to place saving time, but do we utilize the savings to nurture and nourish?  We can choose the scenic route, allowing our mind to gently unfold while we are transported by lofty views and sensations.  My friends, our journey needs to include both streamlining and expanding.

When we are bombarded by shrapnel from dismissal, deprivation, or death, the pain can feel unbearable.   We may find our selves to be starving, injured, or paralyzed, but once we lift our eyes to the possibility of what may come, we  begin to heal.  The expiration date of pain is non-existent, but once we learn to discern the presence of the Divine, intervention prevails. 

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