Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Winds of Life


"Love is like a tree, it grows of its own accord,
it puts down deep roots into our whole being."
Victor Hugo
There is choice in how we grow. We can hold still with rigidity or bend stretching.  Either way, the winds of life can be extremely strong.  They can strip leaves, break branches or uproot us entirely.  

In spite of not being capable of safe guarding our development, we can choose to embrace each moment for what it is or live in fear.  Fear distorts our perceptions, provokes denial and avoidance, and creates stagnation.

In just this moment, experience what comes whether it be happiness, affliction, or uncertainty.  If we can tolerate the immediate feeling ...  feel the pain or joy ... then move on with life, our roots will continue to grow deep and strong.  Decay is created by being trapped in uncertainty, rather than seeing the freedom within it.

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