Thursday, January 20, 2022

Permanent Replacement For New Visions

"The hardest part about change is not making
the same choices we made the day before."
Dr. Joe Dispenza

Through experience, we learn to find immediate remedies to 'fix' unexpected problems.  We may choose to return with improved temporary reinforcements.  In the background of our thinking, we somehow know our 'bandaids'  will need replacement or permanent solution.

In relationship when things are off key, we try to hum different melodies hoping to establish calm.  We may adjust our timing or redecorate our surroundings, but ultimately, the truth surfaces needing in-depth processing.

When we are able to look at the truth, we begin to let loose of control and admit the need for  new insight.  With mantras or affirmations, we can advance into the brokenness, discovering  permanent ways to healthier living. With our heart newly filled with confidence, we begin to develop  visions. 


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