Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Power of a Smile

"Believe in true beauty and the power of a loving smile                                                                                                  because it can reveal the ultimate magic of life."  

Debasish Mridha

Flash a smile and feel the immediate uplifting results.  Even if just for one moment, we can interrupt our repetitive negative patterns.  Then we can smile and enjoy the reaction from others.  We might have brightened their day, lifted sadness, or established a connection.

Smiles are free, even when we are in the depths of loss.  It is the first step to healing even if it is insincere.  The heart notices the positive energy no matter how brief it might be and reminds us to look up, not down.

With practice, we begin to strap a smile on our face no matter what the day.  We slowly begin to identify with smiling, as a way of exchange without communication or giving even when we are not ready to receive.  Smiles are free so give generously!

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