Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Words Upon A Page

"My father taught me that you can read a hundred books on wisdom 
and write a hundred books on wisdom, but unless you apply what 
you learned then its only words on a page.  Life is not lived 
with intentions, but action."
Shannon L. Alder

As I entered the library, I spotted a quiet cubicle hidden in the upper floor and I claimed it immediately. My book bag held my iPad, thesaurus, blank journal and previously recorded material. I unpacked everything and settled into the chair.  

I had deliberately claimed this day for personal expansion.  I wanted to broaden my knowledge and open myself to new ideas.  I roamed the stacks of books choosing from sections on flower arrangement, landscape, and terrariums.  I was excited thinking of spring!

In my mind, the fresh breeze carried seeds of possibility ready to be nurtured.  I realized, however, all of this would be a whim if I didn't invest time and energy. Hours would be needed for research and then experimentation.   This sobering realization prompted me to pick up a cactus and small globe terrarium.  This was all of the action I was willing to invest at this time, and the rest would remain words upon a page.  

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