Saturday, February 10, 2018

Unspoken Sacred Language

 "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words 
than words without a heart."
Mahatma Gandhi

Words can expand and contract while taking on different meanings.  The meaning can be greatly reduced or significantly thickened.  Depending upon the use of sarcasm one word can be meant in a positive vein or harshly meant in the negative.  Even the pronunciation of a word can change from one geographical local to another.  The English language is one of the most difficult to learn based on literal exceptions.

While reading, our mind does not always intuit the appropriate emphasis. "The man ran this way."  Does this information give us a direction of exit or a physical description like an impairment or disability?  If we are simply listening, we may not be able to distinguish between two words sounding the same, but meaning two opposite things.  "The detective looked down at the body, saying only, 'prey' and the young novice dropped down to his knees to pray."

Life often calls to us to explain the impossible.  We may search  our hearts only to find them unexpectedly void of anything audible except for incessant wailing.  No matter how hard we try, nothing takes form, and our hearts are empty of prayer.  With these empty hearts, we stand before the Divine waiting for the unspoken sacred language of love for healing and forgiveness.

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