Sunday, February 25, 2018

Drama Not Mine

"The sky grew darker,
painted blue on blue,
one stroke at a time,
into deeper and deeper 
shades of night."
Haruki Murakami

The words upon the page were quickly absorbed, but not fast enough to keep my heart from turning stone cold. The comments were hurtful even though they stemmed from over a decade ago.  They were just as untrue as they were during the incident, but I still gasped for air.

Anger was my first response followed by the horror knowing only one side of a story was being told and the artist painting the picture was not making me look very attractive at all.  Her personal anger absorbed her attention denying her the lesson at hand.

Life happens to us and we have the choice to stumble or propel.  Learning from our experiences, especially the painful ones, we eventually pivot towards the light.  How long it takes us to see the light is not as important as finally embracing what we were meant to learn.  This drama does not belong to me, and so I let it go.

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