Monday, February 19, 2018

Sift Through Difficulty

"When life places stones in your path, be the water.
A persistent drop of water will wear away 
even the hardest stone."
Autumn Morning Star

As we have no control over the barriers or limitations in  our lives, it serves us best to determine what means of navigation are compatible with our selfhood.  We realize weeping serves little purpose and remaining stuck in a situation elongates misery.  When we hold ourselves accountable rather than waiting for the hunter in the woods to come save us, our reaction is more timely and persuasive.

Depending upon how long we wait for Prince Charming to arrive, impacts the length of our challenge.  Once we accept ownership of the problem, the more immediate the resolution will be forthcoming.  Gathering knowledge through each episode, we begin to form an impactful approach with precision.

When we can be like water flowing over stones rather than a fire destroying all there is, we develop a sense of patience and tolerance to sift through difficulty with a lesser degree of harm to self and others.  We will be less likely to repeat the experience or if so, transition through it more swiftly.

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