Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Saturate Yearnings

"Live to learn to love.
Learn to love to live.
Love to live to learn
so that you may live 
the life that you yearn."
Rico Dasheem

Learning to love my self became possible after jumping hurdles and long distance running.   To live life fully required blood, sweat and tears.  Learning the art of letting things be, surrendering all  attachments and allowing life to unfold, nudged me to higher ground.

Every step of surrender teaches me how to love life without bitterness, regret, and sabotage.  The more I accept myself, the less critical I am with others.  Discovering value in my passions and dreams allows me to respect and honor what I have to offer out into the world.

The journey inward strengthens my spirit and heightens my vision of the deep beauty in life.  Nature and kindred spirits connect me with the power of being me.  Respecting and honoring who I am attracts the love I need and saturates my yearnings.

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