Thursday, January 26, 2017

Midst of Emotional Risk

LL"Life requires taking emotional risks and when you do, the pay off can be big.  
At the end of the day it's about becoming fiercely strong in yourself, 
unwavering in your desire to build upon your tender base, 
and remembering that it is your sweet, vulnerable essence, 
that becomes your ultimate strength."  Kristin Fontana

When we tone down the ego, we recognize an inner voice that links us with our authentic self.  Ego no longer distracts us with negative chaos, and wisdom is released from our soul, cultivating our spiritual essence.

Our energies begin to vibrate and radiate out into the world.  Our extended goodness is well received by those around us.  This frequency generating sincere care for others is a transmitter to assist others in reaching spiritual connection.

To stand alone with our inner strength is a challenge in our materialistic world of chaos.  It is through example, however, of maintaining a sense of calm in the midst of emotional risk, that we can best display our strength.  By reflecting peace discovered within, we attract others moving forward for the good of all.

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