Friday, January 20, 2017

The True Grit

"I don't care, you can't make me!"

What happens to the spunk of a child, the dare devil attitude and the freedom to be?  Does it get smothered in learning, defined by culture, and buried eternally?  I tend to believe our inner fortitude simply rests, waiting to be revived.

With determination, we can strengthen our backbone after years of suppression.  Our 'moxie' can once again flourish with creative expression.  Just extend the tip of the toe into unearthed magnetism and the jolt sparks ideas in the head!

Reclaim personal 'gumption' and with resolution wander off the beaten path.  Inhale the fresh air and be inspired to transform stagnant thoughts into magical visions.  Let nature reawaken the true grit of the soul and pave a new way of experiencing the world.

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