Monday, January 2, 2017

The Farmer Takes A Wife

"Don't look at me in that tone of voice!"
Dorothy Parker

Once there was a farmer who fell under the spell of a city woman's style.  He was mesmerized by her out spoken ways and tendency towards flair.  Intrigued is the best word to be used when he referenced her unusual ways of life.

So the farmer took the city woman to be his lawful wife and planted her in a field just like he did his corn.  Bit by bit, neighboring farmers began to complain about the wild weed and the tight knit family turned on their son.

The city woman's heart was disassembled out in the old barn.    She was told not to speak about her gifts and talents and her deeply embedded beliefs. She was instructed to stop being herself and to become like the rest.  Like the other weeds in the field, she withered and died.  

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