Saturday, December 24, 2016

Keeping Vigil and Ritual

"I'd write and read and let myself, a little at a time, 
step down into myself ~ like a stairway down into a dark, intimate kiva ~ 
where the work of vigil is taking place, the necessary attending."
Mark Doty 

Christmas Eve stirs emotion within me.  The warmth of my fireplace keeps me grounded, but I gently slip deeper into a vigil, longing to connect with my soul.  Whispers of saints and angels call out to me.

The passage into the darkness encourages me to let go of fear, sadness and remorse.  My heart radiates with love beckoning me to continue the descent into my most inner chambers.  It is there where I can safely shed my physical suit and slip into the veils of sacred dwelling.

The ritual of going within is a long time practice of mine.  I experience nothingness to the fullest.  I am lifted to see the holiness expanding across the Universe and the grids of light safe keeping those unaware.  Christmas Eve is the birth of innocent bright light overcoming the darkest parts of self.

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