Sunday, December 11, 2016

Do Not Be Dismayed

"Do not  be dismayed by the  brokenness of the world.
All things break.  And all things can be mended.  Not
with time, as they say, but with intention.  So go. Love
intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.  The broken 
world waits in darkness for the light that is you."
L. R. Knost

The brokenness of the world weighs heavily upon everyone.  The focus on negativity impacts our body, mind and spirit.  What if we looked at the worldly dysfunction as an opportunity to put into motion intentions to make things right?

It is man who is weakening the earth, not any higher form of divinity.  So if destruction is caused by man, correction can be implemented by man.  The question is how to perform as an individual with enough power to impact a world.

Within our relationships to family, friends and community, we can utilize our highest good in spite of differences.  What is our highest good?  To live peacefully by respecting diversity.  When each individual enhances personal integrity, those in close proximity feel the loving energy.  We become a light onto the world.

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