Saturday, December 31, 2016

Fire Kindles Visions

"Man may have discovered fire,
but women discovered how to play with it."
Candace Bushnell

The end of the year stirs memories, regrets and loss, and the new year offers hopes, dreams, and second chances.  When we unearth our emotional debris, a sacred clearing is made.  Inner speculation creates visions for what seeds are to be planted in the fertile ground.

We feel movement of spirit within our thoughts and our inner flames begin to dance.  As they swirl with anticipation, the movement adds character and depth to the fire.  Our passion ignites and our imaginations dance in the fire.

The fire in the belly is the catalyst for gathering our thoughts, yearnings and passions.  It creates energy to expand our presence beyond our wildest dreams.  The new year is to experience all that we can be with beginner eyes and the trust of a child.

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