Saturday, June 11, 2016

Let It Shine

"There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or
mirror that reflects it."
Edith Wharton

Endless negative experiences continue to happen in our world, leaving us to feel powerless; but in truth, we are radiant sources of energy and light.  Our inner glow brightens the deeper we connect with the Divine. When we radiate our light, it is a positive force for change.  

Our vibration may not be felt across the world, but it certainly adds to the collective energy working towards compassion and peace within our families and communities.  Our bodies host a spark of light from the Divine which grows brighter as we focus on improving ourselves.  
The importance is not how we contribute, but how to offer our best out into the world.  There are energy workers holding vigils for peace or shifting energies one person at a time. When we use prayer, contemplation, energy work or visualization, our light of goodness can encourage and brighten the dark spaces of others.   

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