Friday, June 3, 2016

Masterpiece of our World

"There is no one flower that cancels
the need for another.  Each bloom
has its unique and irreplaceable beauty."
Julia Cameron
The Artist's Way

I am not very good at math so I am grateful for accountants, bankers, and financial planners.  Coordination has never been a plus for me, so I admire athletes, dancers, and fire fighters.  My voice can easily be projected and my words are crisp, but they will not embrace the rhythm of song. I am thankful for musicians who can provide ballads and lullabies.

Inspirations from poets like Hafiz or Rumi never seemingly slide out of my pen.  No matter how much paint I apply to the canvas, it is clearly not competition for Georgia O'Keefe.  The flowers in my garden bring me pleasure, but I am not like others who have ten green thumbs.

I admire and respect those I have mentioned above, but I desire to flourish in my own special way. I want to be fully me, whatever that is, with authentic thoughts and flair.  I endeavor to use my collective gifts as though they were a box of crayons, blending hues here and there.  I have a need for all of us to support each other, producing a masterpiece of our world. 

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