Monday, June 6, 2016

Golden Waters of Possibilities

"Do not struggle.  Go with the flow of things,
and you will find yourself at one with the
mysterious unity of the Universe."
Chuang Tzu

Resistance is different from an alarm of danger.  We unfortunately resist even great things simply out of fear.  Fear is strongly bonded with ego, so any suggestion of change or risk is felt in the body as threatening.  Procrastination teams up with resistance as a distraction from any forward movement.

Postponing what is good for us is counter productive, and yet we repeat this behavior on a regular basis.  We are willing to expect failure rather than reward. Filters from our past distort what we see ... disaster instead of opportunity.

When our energy is channeled into what might go wrong, there is scant force remaining to propel us forward.  If we enter with narrow perspective, we are limiting our outcome and encouraging self-sabotage.  Come on, let us dip our toe into the golden waters of possibilities.

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