Friday, May 27, 2016

Unspoken Message of the Sun

"Your thoughts are your message to the world.
Just as the rays are the messages of the Sun."
Amit Ray

As we choose to minimize negative thoughts and embrace our surrounding community with compassion, we  offer  peace to the world.  When our contribution is laced with integrity and honesty, we create a deeper nature.  From our hearts, our responses vibrate a higher level of energy for others to receive.

Sunbeams give energy to all growing things and warms the surfaces of boulders and streams. We can look into the sun and feel the warmth across our faces and gently receive the unspoken language of the sun.  Our softly spoken words carry tender messages just like the rays of the sun.

We may navigate silently throughout our day, but our essence brushes against everything we pass.  When we understand the vibrational connection between all of us, more effort will be made to extend positive thoughts and well being to all.

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