Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Maintaining Sanity

"Everything can be taken from a man, but one thing:  
the last of the human freedoms -
to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances,
to choose one's own way."
Viktor Frankl

Our culture has become so fast paced we feel as though we are no longer running our own life ...  it is running us.  Commitments to career, family, and community leave creases in time which are for necessities like food, medical attention, or transportation.  We may not be able to  alter our situations, but the freedom to think is consistently present.  

It is said that one's attitude is the last of the human freedoms.  So no  matter where we find ourselves, we need to exercise our freedom to dream or plan.  The danger is when we become apathetic or numb, we are apt to lose ourselves body, mind, and soul.

Throughout the centuries, stories reflect how humans in isolation maintained sanity by keeping an active mind.  Whether a prisoner of war or a kidnapped victim, the odds of survival increase with the ability to creatively use the brain.  Cramped in small quarters, a person can visualize physical activity. In a dark place, dreams of freedom help to maintain emotional health.  Prayers for alternate choices support the spirit.  Creativity of the mind can ensure a sense of freedom, but we must be mindful to use it!

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