Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Do Not Wait For A Teacher

"Teachers open the door,
but you must enter by yourself."
Chinese Proverb

Living spiritually does not mean a life void of challenge or loss.  It does not give protection from pain or suffering.  An airy fairy existence, it is not. To live spiritually, one continues to engage in the human experience, using awareness that minimizes drama and heightens the value of all people, places and things.

One does not wait for a teacher to arrive, as everyone around us is fully capable of offering a learning experience.  In order to succeed, one must participate in an authentic way, not just mirroring the actions of others.  We must search for purpose and understanding in whatever surrounds us and in whatever is stored within us.   

In the process of finding a loving spirit in all things, a connectedness is created with the sense of calm and peace.  In spite of hardships, the sense of unity with the Divine will assist us in navigating towards the direction we need to go.  We must initiate the steps and be willing to follow the path that opens before us.

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