Saturday, May 7, 2016

Skews Our Outlook


"When you find peace within yourself
you become the kind of person who can
live at peace with others."
Peace Pilgrim

Once our feelings have been bruised, we begin to question the intentions of everyone.  We listen more carefully anticipating criticism and we lay in wait for judgment.  The pain we feel is negative and like attracts like.  The negativity skews our outlook and we no longer focus on anything positive.  

There are two components to rectifying this situation.  One:  It is inevitable our feelings will be hurt, but we can choose to not obsess about the situation.  Let it go.  Two:  Remember the words of others reflect their own wound and we can choose to not take  embrace the misplaced anger.  

We cannot help but feel the ping that accompanies thoughtless words or actions of others, but we can be flexible. If it rains, we reach for an umbrella.  If it is hot and sunny, we reach for sun screen.  In both cases, we are flexible, taking action to protect ourselves, and then carry on.  Reach for compassion for all involved and then continue on our way.


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