Friday, November 2, 2012

"Let Your Note Be Clear" ~ Rumi

"God picks up the reed-flute world and blows.
Each note is a need coming through one of us,
a passion, a longing pain.
Remember the lips
where the wind-breath originated,
and let your note be clear.
Don't try to end it.
Be your note."

-- Rumi

Dennis Merritt Jones is an Award-winning author, Keynote speaker, and spiritual mentor.  My daughter brought him to my attention with an article entitled:  Let Your Note Be Clear:
Are You Listening to Your Emotions?   He was referencing the poem by Rumi displayed above.

We all have longings or yearnings which we choose to disregard.  We distract our selves and repress the feelings whether out of fear or anxiety.  To pay attention to the nagging feelings, we just may be called to action and therefore we resist.

What if these repressed ideas were really unexpressed desires of the soul?  What if these random thoughts were messages from deep within us.  They could be prompts to redirect our intentions. 

In choosing to repress emotions, the energy builds within us and eventually can manifest itself in our physical bodies.  If we would take brief moments to at least acknowledge the promptings we receive, we would be advancing ourselves emotionally or mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Not all messages are exciting or joyful, some are actually painful.  Once we embrace the emotion as a teacher, we will learn the lesson, release the fear, and freely move forward. 

Rumi says to "let your note be clear" and to do this, we must sit with our longings, and understand the message.  If we believe the yearnings from our inner being have been lovingly sent by the Divine, we will be able to navigate through our lives gaining wisdom as we honor and respect the message received.

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