Thursday, July 20, 2023

Unfolding Opportunties

"Imagine what it's like to be supported, as if the arms
of the universe are encircling your whole being."
Sheila Reynolds

Our path may run parallel with others, but often times, it dips into solitary ravines. In the quietude, we rely on meditations and visualizations. We recall words of mentors who deeply move us. Glancing back, we view the confidence and determination that escorted us to an unexpected higher ground.

There is wisdom in recognizing the incoming vibrations readily available to us. Energy flows as we wander on a foot trail or quietly sit by a stream. Creativity stimulates connection with the unseen through touch, taste, and smell.  Our stamina increases through our actions, and just as importantly, through our willingness to open and receive.

Like the moon, we wax and wane, often covered by unsuspecting clouds. The stars shine brightly reminding us we are not really alone. Pause each time synchronicity presents itself, and be willing to ponder the unknown. The universe wraps around us, offering opportunities ready to unfold.

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