Friday, July 7, 2023

Not Failure!


"Understand that you are not failing by 
not knowing what you are doing."
Paul Selig

We may not always have an understanding of what is happening in our life, but we can choose to be patient while we wait for understanding.  We can turn inward to hear our heart's desires while paying attention to what surrounds us. Answers present themselves in numerous ways, not just through the spoken word. With positive expectation, move through  the unknown.

The world we live in is continuously changing, whether referring to air quality, storm patterns, politics, or relationships. The importance lies within our approach for navigating the constant shifts. There is a great need to be able to move through passages without having a specific map or a detailed destination. Our life is less tumultuous when we can peacefully ride out the storm.

When we are uncertain about the moment before us or the projection of our future, it is not time to shut down. It is imperative to open our mind to what may happen next ... in the positive. Remembering we are not separate from our source, we can ask for insight, guidance, and intervention. We can stretch into a higher level of understanding the self, amending our patterns and purpose.

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