Saturday, July 15, 2023

Edited Glimpses and Fueled Priorities

"Never compare your inside to someone else's outside."
James Grippando 

We increase our knowledge by observing others, but rarely do we see his or her 'behind the scenes' challenges. We are allowed edited glimpses. Turning inward, we address authentic measures which assists in the transition into higher levels of comprehension. With a greater sense of self, one can be deliberate in searching for the next advancing step.

When we evaluate others in relation to our selves as a measuring tool, we shift our energy into a lower vibration. Competition can threaten and devalue our sense of worthiness. Judgment detracts from where we are meant to be. Celebrate the journey of others by all means, but fueling our own body, mind, and spirit is priority.

Become resilient in cleaning out the inner space of the self. Be honest about what no longer serves and release attachment. Do not hover in a mindset of loss, but rather choose to embrace the unknown with childlike wonderment. Allow the self to become an explorer, expecting great things with a heightened sense of confidence. 


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