Friday, May 14, 2021

The Power of Positive Perspectives


"When you put action into your words and thoughts,
watch what happens."
Gloria Chadwich 

When we label a situation as a problem, it takes on a sense of negativity.  We can feel a weight upon us as all of our past negative situations have doomed us.  Instead of resolve, we may begin to think of what this situation is going to cost us and how we will survive.

If we can shift our terminology from negative to positive, we will embrace a totally different experience.  "I love the word challenge because it fills me with energy and inspires me into positive action;" states Gloria Chadwich, "But others may prefer the word opportunity as this brings to mind gentle and quiet changes."  

The wording of our situations can stimulate us, allow us to feel powerful, and assist in creating new aspects of our lives.  When we think in positive terms our mind broadens and becomes  receptive to new patterns or cycles of living.  Our confidence grows as we build strength, and we begin to feel the presence of  the  light shining within us.

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