Sunday, May 2, 2021

Genius Behind the Wound

"We may be closest to hearing the call 
when we feel most alone or in trouble, 
for no genius hides behind the wound.
Jung Platform

It would seem that misery and pain squelch our radiant thoughts, and in this place of hovering in fear, brilliant ideas or beneficial projections come through loud and clear.  We forget while we build boundaries to protect us, the stone walls will also keep out the crisp and new.

When we are down, all of the glory and chatter are swooped away, enabling us to finally listen to the call of spirit.  It is in this space of suspension, out of desperation, we may begin to understand who we truly are.  As we dismantle our boundaries, we are equally exposed to blessings and light.

Unhealed wounds fester until we bring them light, allowing them to heal.  It is in this process we come to understand a lesson early misunderstood.  The release lifts our heaviness and as the light flows in, we are inspired to utilize our creativity ... whatever that means as it is unique to each individual.  The key, of course is action.  Follow through, allowing spirit to flow through our veins.


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