Sunday, May 23, 2021

Choice and Intention

"... we are always free to go back and right old wrongs,
correct mistaken perceptions, heal wounds, forgive and begin anew."

As we gaze back over childhood trauma, we have the opportunity to lessen the pain, by focusing on personal strengths that carried us through.  Instead of looking at what happened to us, we can look at our lovely selves and be amazed at how we carried through.

We notice negative behaviors that were once required, but now understand they are no longer needed. No longer are we a defenseless child, but a perfectly capable adult who makes healthy choices for our healing and growth.  

Like a child in a sandbox, we can sift through grains of time, picking out the good that is supportive and reflective of our true nature.   To hang on to what is no more, prevents us from propelling into the richness and beauty of life God intended.


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