Sunday, March 18, 2018

Musical Spiritual Expression

"My music is the spiritual expression of what I am ...
my faith, my knowledge, my being.  When you begin
to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do 
something really good for people, to help humanity
free itself from its hangups ... 
I want to speak to their souls."
John Coltrane

The awareness of music and how it impacts us personally has been a curiosity to me.  In my career, I noticed how much faster preschoolers played when the music was tuned up loud with a high tempo. Then I would lower the volume of the music, choosing a softer rhythm which slowed the little ones down.

The same was noticed within the homes I served.  Clients would have the music so loud a person couldn't think ... and I believe that was the point.  Hyper activity was chosen over slowing down to face reality. In private counseling sessions I would play what is called elevator music which created a sense of security and calm.

I can only imagine the thrill of playing a musical instrument and wish I could experience the ability to actually write music.  I am thankful for those who are gifted and share talents with us.  Thanks to YOUTUBE there are plenty of guided meditations and music for solitude in nocturnal preparation.  My choice of music reflects who I am and it assists me to stay in tune with my soul.

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