Friday, March 16, 2018

Origin of Kindness

"The Buddha of Compassion has a thousand eyes 
that see the pain in all corners of the universe to
extend his help."
Sogyal Rinpoche

The dictionary defines the verb help as:"to make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources."   As the sludge of darkness seemingly spreads across the world, I wonder when someone will step in and save us from this craziness.  The error in this thinking is expecting someone else to do the clean up, make waves, or instigate change.

The true question is what can I personally do?  Immediately I excuse myself as I do not have billions of dollars nor the power to dictate to anyone.  So once again I step back feeling helpless.  Then I remember that help is any degree of assistance aimed at any level of need.

As I may not be able to impact World Trade, I can help at the local soup kitchen, donate unused clothes to shelters, knit scarves, and donate to the food pantry.  Standing wherfe I am right now, there are numerous actions I can take and all kindness impacts the world no matter of the origin.

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