Saturday, December 9, 2017

Walk Don't Run

"Running is driven by panic.
Destination is driven by thought."
Craig D. Lounsbrough

The path of life is intended for strolling, not power walking.  If we jet down our path, we will have extended extreme energy and end exhausted with meaningless tokens.  Every wayside is filled with symbols and colors for enhancement.  Creativity is begging to be noticed to inspire and enhance authentic yearnings.

If we give thought to our process, we can pace ourselves reserving energy for challenging times.  As we consciously advance through our time line, there are opportunities to adjust our destination.  We can alter our intentions as we stretch and grow to ensure a positive outcome reflecting our transitions.

When a person reacts out of fear, the flight takes us far from our intended coarse.  The distance towards our goals grows half-hazard and unlikely.  Running escorts us deeper into the unknown, providing little assistance in discerning our heart's desire.  Our thoughts can minimize or heighten panic.  Awareness guides us forward with a creative pace.

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