Thursday, December 28, 2017

Clarity Be Claimed

"Claim all that is good and powerful in life
and make it your own!"
Jan Porter

The positive word success is just as deceiving as the derogative word failure.  There are degrees to accomplishment within being successful and there are margins for mistakes prior to being a failure.  If it were up to me, I would lower the words success and failure to the bottom of my word pile.

It is unrealistic to constantly define our lives as either successful or failure.  Why put this type of pressure upon our already existing anxiety?  Perhaps this requires us to broaden perspective so we focus more upon the in between rather than the end result.

"I did the best I could, at the time, with the information I had," is one my favorite quotes.  I would like to think I tried my best at every turn.  Once I determined what was of value to me, it was easier to move forward.  With upmost clarity, stake your claim.

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