Monday, December 18, 2017

Hollow Eyes of the Lonely


"One of the most important things you can do on this earth
is to let people know they are not alone."
Shannon L. Alder

There is a vast difference between being alone and being lonely.  There are many of us who thrive when we are alone, but total isolation is not healthy.  To bring lonely people to mind, we may immediately think of the elderly, but our scope must be immeasurably wider.  

The military prevents men or women or children from returning home during the holidays which initiates and emptiness even if surrounded by others.  In families, as children grow their own commitments to their school or church tend to keep families at home and not travel.  Our society is significantly mobile and family members are spaced far apart preventing loved ones to gather.

Holidays stir up stress and anxiety which often leads to overwhelm or depression.  Mental Illness flares during this time and I refer to young and old alike. Notice the hollow eyes hiding behind smiling faces. Be aware of the withdrawn or out of control child, teenager or adult.  We do not have to hold ourselves accountable for them, but we certainly can alert a friend or adult for intervention.   Action may save many innocent lives.

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