Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Presence of Eternal Sisters

"They have the unique ability to listen 
to one story and understand another."
Pandora Poikilos 

'Sisters of the Heart' are those wise souls who gather around us when we are like a ship lost at sea.  As the waves crash against us, these offer a safe harbor until we can be balanced once again. They know us so intimately, they can decipher between the words rushing out of our mouth and the wounds bleeding in our heart.

'Sisters of the heart' are perceptive and remain silent offering calm and safety.  They allow us to have appropriate space without abandonment.  Judgment or critical statements are never uttered by these sages.  A strong sense of knowing assists them in being our earth angel.

Throughout life, I have been blessed by numerous 'Sisters of the Heart' who are enlightened souls.  Unaware of the impact on my life, these eternal sisters enhance my human experience with sincere compassion.  My life expands through their presence and forgotten they shall never be.  

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